Low – T


Discussing low testosterone levels or “Low-T” can be a delicate subject for men. In spite of being present in both men and women, testosterone is the hormone that controls and supports many of the male attributes. This includes the development of facial and body hair, bone and bulk, the extending of the voice, sex drive and more. In any case, when testosterone levels start to drop either normally with age or due to other health conditions, men may start to feel the impacts of Low-T.

Based on a study from the New England Research Institutes, one of every four men beyond 30 years old have Low-T levels; however, just one out of 20 men showed manifestations connected to Low-T. The study followed men from ages 30 to 79 and accumulated information dependent on a few variables such as testosterone levels, indications of testosterone lack and drugs that may affect hormone levels. In view of their discoveries, specialists foresee that through 2025, there may be 6.5 million American men between the ages of 30 and 79 with an indicative Low-T— a stunning 38% expansion from the year 2000.

At BodySymmetry MD, a significant number of our suppliers see the impacts of Low-T and how it can impact relationships, confidence and personal satisfaction. We also realize that in spite of its commonness, Low-T is a condition that frequently goes undiscovered and untreated in grown men. It is estimated that only 5% of men with Low-T are accepting testosterone treatment.

If you think you may have Low-T and are encountering a variety of symptoms, it is an ideal time to get your testosterone levels checked. Low-T is a normal condition that can be treated successfully with testosterone substitution treatment (TRT) at BodySymmetry MD.



The most well-known reason for low testosterone Low-T in men is aging. It is evaluated that by the age of 30, testosterone creation in men will how continuously by 1% every year. There are other likely explanations behind Low-T such as harm or glitch of the testicles or issues inside the pituitary pivot of the cerebrum. However, the condition is not as frequent in men under 30.

Low-T can prompt a wide scope of physical, mental and sexual issues, including:

  • A sleeping disorder or changes in rest designs
  • Balding or diminishing hair
  • Diminished bone mass
  • Diminished bulk and decreased quality
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
  • Expanded muscle versus fat
  • Intellectual challenges and inconvenience centering
  • Low vitality or weakness
  • Misery or uneasiness
  • Reduced moxie

If left untreated, Low-T can put you in danger for progressively serious conditions such as coronary illness, osteoporosis and diabetes. However, numerous men are reluctant to approach their provider for help. If you are encountering at least one of these side effects, a quick blood test at BodySymmetry MD can identify your testosterone levels to see if you indeed have Low-T and we can then explore treatment options as needed.



We live in a culture in which male sexuality and vitality are profoundly interlaced, and the presence of Low-T can reduce your feeling of self-esteem or masculinity. Acknowledging that Low-T is a common and normal condition does not make you any less of a man. If you are battling with indications of Low-T, there are various things you can do that can assist you with breaking the negative shame encompassing Low-T, including:



TRT is recommended to men whose testosterone levels have dipped under an ideal range. It is important that only those with affirmed Low-T indications experience the treatment. TRT do not give benefits to men whose testosterone levels fall inside a sound range.

The most widely symptoms of Low-T that lead men to look for TRT is a decreased sex drive and ED. While testosterone is not the main hormone that energizes sexual desire in men, Low-T can add to less sexual satisfaction, a lower libido and less incessant or firm erections. In any case, a low sex drive does not necessarily really mean you have Low-T. A few men experience these manifestations because of other fundamental well-being conditions. Your clinical history and blood results will be evaluated by our hormone specialists to see if Low-T is causing your issues.



There are a bunch of ways you can help mitigate your indication of Low-T or even improve your testosterone levels. For instance, in the event that you are overweight, shedding pounds through a solid eating routine and exercise is demonstrated to raise testosterone levels Low-T. Setting up a sleep schedule that permits you to get a decent night’s rest every night can also assist with combating weakness.



We know low T and its manifestations aren’t the least demanding themes to raise, yet having a legitimate conversation with your loved one, companion or specialist about what you are experiencing can carry tremendous help to the mental components of this condition. Normalizing low testosterone begins with men being frank about their condition concerns.

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